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Paris: The question of what will remain

At the Ècole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris-Belleville, the speakers deal with the topic of “Prospective legacies”. All events at the university in Paris are also broadcast as live stream over the Internet.


10.11.2022 - Charles Oliver, Cris Ballester


IBAVI, Îles Baléares

Charles Oliver und Cris Ballester erzählen über ihr heutiges Vortragsthema und was sie jungen Architekturstudent: innen mitgeben möchten.

17.11.2022 - Francoise N'Thépé


Francoise N'Thépé Architecture, Paris

24.11.2022 - Laurens Bekemans, Nicolas Coekelbergs


BC Architects, Bruxelles

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